Reiðhjólahjálmar, endalaust þrætuepli. En hér (smelltu á þessa setningu) er slóð á grein sem útskýrir, að mér finnst, hversvegna ekki er sérstök ástæða til að vera með hjálm þegar maður hjólar, ekki frekar en þegar maður fer út að ganga eða út í bíl að keyra. Endilega lestu greinina, en hér eru nokkrar tilvitnanir úr henni:
"Let's first get one thing out of the way: if you get into a serious accident, wearing a helmet will probably save your life. "
"But a broader look at the statistics show that cyclists' fear of head trauma is irrational if we compare it to some other risks. Head injuries aren't just dangerous when you're biking—head injuries are dangerous when you're doing pretty much anything else. There's ample evidence showing that there's nothing particularly special about cycling when it comes to serious head injuries."
"Let's be clear. I am NOT trying to say that studies definitively show that cycling is safer than driving or walking. That is not the case. The studies that are out there give us mixed messages about the relative safety of the different modes of transport. What I am saying is that these statistics raise an interesting question: If we're so concerned about head injuries, why don't we wear helmets all the time? Why do places that have mandatory helmet laws for cyclists not have them for drivers or pedestrians? A 1996 Australian study suggests that a mandatory helmet law for motor vehicle occupants could save seventeen times more people from death and serious head injury than a similar law for cyclists."
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